- School of Law (University of Florence)
- Political Science (University of Florence)
- Management and Security Sciences (Unitelma Sapienza University of Rome)
- Social Sciences for non-profit organizations and International Cooperation (University of Camerino)
Main postgraduate courses:
- Consumers rights and business activity (LUISS University, Rome)
- English for Law and International Transactions (EFLIT, Florence)
- Structural Funds 2014-2020 (Maggioli, Bologna)
- The Regulation of Gas Markets (European University Institute, Fiesole-FIorence)
- Executive programme in Smart Cities (EADA Business School, Barcelona)
- Food Law in Europe (Union Internationale des Avocats, Parigi)
- Company lawyers (Luigi Bocconi University, Milan)
- Healthcare company management (Unitelma Sapienza University, Rome)
- Fundamental rights in Europe (La Sapienza University, Rome)
- Public Procurement (Unitelma Sapienza University, Rome)
- Legal English (University of Camerino)
- Organisation and Innovation in Public Administrations (Unitelma Sapienza University, Rome)
Member of the Florence Bar (Italy)
Admitted to practice before the Supreme Courts, Italy
Smart Cities Law Firm Association (Barcelona – Spain), deputy president
President of the “Administrative and Regulatory Law” Commission, Union Internationale des Avocats (UIA), Paris
Administrative Law
Public Procurement Law
Public Utilities Law
Constitutional Law
Environmental Law
Civil Law
Adjunct professor of “Law of Territorial Government and Public Contracts” at the University of Milan Statale
Lecturer of “Transparency and Anti-Corruption” at the University of Milan Statale
Lecturer of “Procedures for the award of public contracts” at the University of Bolzano
Lecturer of “Anti-corruption and Transparency” at the University of Bolzano
Adjunct professor of “Media Law” at the University of Bolzano
Adjunct professor of “Primary and secundary Legislation related to school integration” at the University of Bolzano
Lecturer of “Theory and Laboratory of Italian Administrative Law” at the University of Bolzano
Adjunct Professor of “Fundamentals of Health Law” at the University of Modena e Reggio Emilia
Adjunct Professor of “Information and Communication Law” at the University of Modena e Reggio Emilia
Adjunct professor of “Administrative Law” at the University of Modena e Reggio Emilia
Adjunct professor of “Constitutional Law” at the University of Florence
Adjunct professor of “Primary and secundary Legislation related to school integration” at the University of Florence
Lecturer of “Principles of Law” at the University of Siena
Lecturer of “The enforcement of judgments and decisional orders” at the University of Naples “Federico II”
Adjunct professor of “Forestry and Environmental Law” at the University of Sassari
Lecturer of “Administrative Law” at the University of Salento
Adjunct Professor of “Public Services Law” at the E-Campus Telematic University